About Me
In 2023, I earned my Ph.D. in electrical and computer engineering from Sungkyunkwan University, under the guidance of Prof. Jeon Jea Wook. I was previously employed as a research assistant in the School of Computer Science and Engineering at International University—Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, and as a member of the Computer Vision and Image Processing Lab, which was supervised by Dr. Ha Viet Uyen Synh.
My current research interests include computer vision, image processing, and deep learning.
- [2018 - 2023] Ph.D., Computer Engineering at SungKyunKwan University,
- [2015 - 2018] M.S., Computer Science at International University - Vietnam National University HCM City.
- [2010 - 2015] B.S., Computer Science at International University - Vietnam National University HCM City.
Work Experience
- [2023.09 - Present] Postdoctoral Researcher, Sungkyunkwan University
- [2015.09 - 2018.05] Research Assistant, International University - Vietnam National University HCM City
- [2013 - 2015] Teacher Assistant, International University - Vietnam National University HCM City
- [2024.06] Rank 2st of Track 3, and 3rd of Track 4 in the AI City Challenge, organized by Nvidia.
- [2023.12] National Research and Development Excellence 100 Selections in Korea.
- [2023.06] Rank 1st of Track 5 in the AI City Challenge, organized by Nvidia.
- [2021.06] Rank 4nd of Track 1 in the AI City Challenge, organized by Nvidia.
- [2020.12] Rank 2nd of Object Detection in the AI Contest.
- [2020.10] Rank 1st of Object Detection in the KODAS (4th Pangyo Autonomous Mobility Show: Autonomous Driving Recognition Technology Competition). link 1 link 2 link 3
- [2019.10] Rank 2nd of Object Detection in the KODAS (3th Pangyo Autonomous Mobility Show: Autonomous Driving Recognition Technology Competition).
- [2021 - predent] Edge Traffic Surveillance system, which is supported by Institute of Information & communications Technology Planning & Evaluation (IITP) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT).
- [2018 - 2022] Autonomous Car project, which is supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) Grant funded by the Korea Government (MSIT).
- [2018 - 2019] Gap and Flush measurement project, cooporated with Huyndai.
- [2014 - 2018] Traffic Surveillance System project in Ho Chi Minh City, which was deployed on Nguyen Van Kiet road in Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam.
Dual Memory Networks Guided Reverse Distillation for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection
Chi Dai Tran, Long Hoang Pham, Duong Nguyen-Ngoc Tran, Quoc Pham-Nam Ho, Jae Wook Jeon
Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), 2024
PaperDynamic Retraining-Updating Mean Teacher for Source-Free Object Detection
Trinh Le Ba Khanh, Huy-Hung Nguyen, Long Hoang Pham, Duong Nguyen-Ngoc Tran, Jae Wook Jeon
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2024
PaperOptimizing Monocular Driving Assistance for Real-time Processing on Jetson AGX Xavier
Huy-Hung Nguyen, Duong Nguyen-Ngoc Tran, Long Hoang Pham, Jae Wook Jeon
IEEE Access, 2024
PaperImproving object detection to fisheye cameras with open-vocabulary pseudo-label approach
Long Hoang Pham, Quoc Pham-Nam Ho, Duong Nguyen-Ngoc Tran, Tai Huu-Phuong Tran, Huy-Hung Nguyen, Duong Khac Vu, Chi Dai Tran, Ngoc Doan-Minh Huynh, Hyung-Min Jeon, Hyung-Joon Jeon, Jae Wook Jeon
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition - Workshop (CVPRW), 2024
PaperMulti-view spatial-temporal learning for understanding unusual behaviors in untrimmed naturalistic driving videos
Huy-Hung Nguyen, Chi Dai Tran, Long Hoang Pham, Duong Nguyen-Ngoc Tran, Tai Huu-Phuong Tran, Duong Khac Vu, Quoc Pham-Nam Ho, Ngoc Doan-Minh Huynh, Hyung-Min Jeon, Hyung-Joon Jeon, Jae Wook Jeon
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition - Workshop (CVPRW), 2024
A Vision-Based method for real-time traffic flow estimation on edge devices
Duong Nguyen-Ngoc Tran, Long Hoang Pham, Huy-Hung Nguyen, Jae Wook Jeon
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2023
PaperRobust automatic motorcycle helmet violation detection for an intelligent transportation system
Duong Nguyen-Ngoc Tran, Long Hoang Pham, Hyung-Joon Jeon, Huy-Hung Nguyen, Hyung-Min Jeon, Tai Huu-Phuong Tran, Jae Wook Jeon
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition - Workshop (CVPRW), 2023
PaperImproving deep learning-based automatic checkout system using image enhancement techniques
Long Hoang Pham, Duong Nguyen-Ngoc Tran, Huy-Hung Nguyen, Hyung-Joon Jeon, Tai Huu-Phuong Tran, Hyung-Min Jeon, Jae Wook Jeon
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition - Workshop (CVPRW), 2023
Universal Detection-Based Driving Assistance Using a Mono Camera With Jetson Devices
Duong Nguyen-Ngoc Tran, Long Hoang Pham, Huy-Hung Nguyen, Tai Huu-Phuong Tran, Hyung-Joon Jeon, Jae Wook Jeon
IEEE Access, 2022
PaperA robust traffic-aware city-scale multi-camera vehicle tracking of vehicles
Duong Nguyen-Ngoc Tran, Long Hoang Pham, Hyung-Joon Jeon, Huy-Hung Nguyen, Hyung-Min Jeon, Tai Huu-Phuong Tran, Jae Wook Jeon
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition - Workshop (CVPRW), 2022
PaperDeepACO: A Robust Deep Learning-Based Automatic Checkout System
Long Hoang Pham, Duong Nguyen-Ngoc Tran, Huy-Hung Nguyen, Tai Huu-Phuong Tran, Hyung-Joon Jeon, Hyung-Min Jeon, Jae Wook Jeon
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition - Workshop (CVPRW), 2022
A Region-and-Trajectory Movement Matching for Multiple Turn-Counts at Road Intersection on Edge Device
Duong Nguyen-Ngoc Tran, Long Hoang Pham, Huy-Hung Nguyen, Tai Huu-Phuong Tran, Hyung-Joon Jeon, Jae Wook Jeon
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition - Workshop (CVPRW), 2021
A Smartphone-Based Laser Measuring System for Gap and Flush Assessment in Car Body
Long Hoang Pham, Duong Nguyen-Ngoc Tran, Jin Young Byun, Chul Hong Rhie, Jae Wook Jeon
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2020
PaperObject Detection with Deep Learning on Drive PX2
Duong Nguyen-Ngoc Tran, Huy-Hung Nguyen, Long Hoang Pham, Jae Wook Jeon
IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Asia (ICCE-Asia), 2020
Academic Service